Did you know that physical therapists can now provide clearance for return to sport following a concussion?  The Jake Snakenberg Youth Concussion Act was passed in 2011 and enacted in 2012.  The act mandates education for coaches and removal of athletes with a suspected concussion, but also requires clearance from a health care provider before return to practice or sport is allowed. The act was passed to protect athletes from second impact syndrome by requiring that coaches pull any athlete from practice or competitions where a concussion is questioned. The athlete then must be cleared by a health care professional before being allowed to participate in any practice or game. In August of 2019, HB19-1208 was enacted that added licensed physical therapists with training in pediatric neurology or concussion evaluation and management to the definition of “health care provider” for the purpose of clearing athletes to return to sport following concussion.

At Rebound Sports & Physical Therapy, both the Loveland and Fort Collins locations have trained concussion management and treatment physical therapists. Our concussion management program has been in place for the past few years and we have worked with numerous athletes through their return to sport journeys. Typical concussion symptoms of headache, fatigue, memory issues, dizziness, difficulty concentrating should resolve within 7-10 days following the impact, but some issues may persist, and physical therapy can facilitate recovery. Following a concussion, physical therapy can be of benefit especially for this group with lingering symptoms with combined vestibular rehabilitation, balance training, and treatment for the cervical spine.

Research has shown that early treatment from a trained health care provider facilitates quicker return to sport and decreased incidence of lingering symptoms. If you or a family member have sustained a concussion or suspect that you have, do not hesitate to reach out to one of our concussion trained physical therapist or schedule an appointment.


Tori Royle, PT, DPT

June 16, 2020


