Fitness Coaching

Most people finish Physical Therapy, but aren’t sure how to program a regimen of physical activity afterwards. Jumping right back into fitness after recovery or simply attempting to integrate your physical therapy exercises into your programming can be overwhelming.

Here at Rebound, we have a solution for you. Our fitness coaches have worked alongside with the Physical Therapists and know how to best take next steps for graduated patients. They take an innovative approach by using their fitness expertise combined with Rebound’s clinical perspective to create a specialized approach to YOU.

Even if you have not been seen by a therapist at Rebound and are just wanting to get started on a fitness journey, our coaches have extensive experience and success helping others achieve their goals WITHOUT introducing an injury risk. Unlike traditional Personal Training, we offer a much more strategic approach to make sure any aches and pains that may come along the process of your journey, do not become permanent issues.

We offer various packages and are here to help you decide on the best option for you. Face to face or from the comfort of your own home, we have a plan for you!

Fitness Coaching