This breakthrough biomechanical method was created by Greg Roskopf who regularly treats and consults with professional sports teams and athletes around the country. with Neuro Re-Education, we stray away from the “old” concept of stretching whatever is tight to alleviate pain. The old adage of “stretch whatever is tight, then stretch it more. If not better, then pay someone to beat the tar out of it,” is a common theme already tried by patients who then come to Rebound.

We look at muscle tightness as a form of protection in the body. Weak or inhibited muscles can create the need for other muscles to tighten up in order to help stabilize the joints. Using Neuromuscular Re-Education, we get to the root of pain or injury by addressing muscle weakness rather than muscle tightness. This helps to restore normal body alignment and joint motion, thus decreasing pain and reducing the risk of further injury. Analogies are a common teaching method by PT’s at Rebound. One important analogy is that every joint and human motion has multiple muscles that are supposed to contribute to efficient movement.

Unfortunately, the body’s protective systems often alter the normal muscle recruitment patterns, rendering some “inhibited” or weak, while others are left to overwork. The old traditional approach tends to address only those “overworked” muscles and fails to identify and address those muscles that have been on an extended vacation. Getting those muscles that have been on a labor strike back to work often provides some amazing and fast results!