Physical Therapist Ron Hruska, from Lincoln, Nebraska developed this extremely in-depth approach to correcting postural and movement imbalances that affect both the upper and lower extremities, trunk and spine.

The Postural Restoration Institute (PRI) was established to explore and explain the science of postural adaptations, asymmetrical patterns, and multiple joint movement sequences that result in pain.

Many of these patterns are created and become habitual at a young age, and result in both restricted joint range of motion and soft tissue/muscle dysfunction. Adaptation for these limitations then creates abnormal neuromuscular patterns and hyperactivity of muscles which are being placed in improper positions. This compensating activity and hyperactivity also includes many of the muscles involved in breathing, further limiting mobility through the trunk and pelvis.

With this method dramatic changes in muscle tension, range of motion and pain can result by treating the underlying compensating patterns which may or may not be directly at the site of pain. All of the therapists at Rebound have had training with PRI.