Rebounding A Concussion

Rebounding A Concussion

Did you know that physical therapists can now provide clearance for return to sport following a concussion?  The Jake Snakenberg Youth Concussion Act was passed in 2011 and enacted in 2012.  The act mandates education for coaches and removal of athletes with a...

Find Your Balance 

We have been living in the time of a pandemic!  We have been staying at home.  We have limited our outings and errands and any social or sporting activities.  We are all, likely, feeling a little out of routine and out of sorts.  And, frankly, nothing seems “normal”. ...
Healthy Spring Running

Healthy Spring Running

Here at Rebound, we all know when spring hits because we start seeing a lot of runners with injuries. There are a number of reasons for this, but most likely due to runners increasing mileage with the nicer weather. The list of injuries which can arise include a wide...

The Best Posture Is Your Next One! MOVE!

WHAT IS THE BEST SITTING POSTURE? A great question with a complex answer. As many people across the country move from their normal office setup into their home offices, I am hearing this question more and more often. THE BEST POSTURE IS YOUR NEXT ONE. Wait… what does...