
The feet are fascinating. They contain 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 little muscles, ligaments and tendons. Get sweaty feet? They also have over 250,000 sweat glands! They are one of the most sensitive structures in our body. Feedback from our feet provide...

The Matrix

In the movie The Matrix the main character, Neo, is famously offered a choice between a red pill and a blue pill. If he takes the blue pill he forgets about learning about the Matrix and goes back to life as he has perceived it. If he takes the red pill, he joins the...


The recent movements for the Paleo diet and barefoot running fascinate me. Not so much because I am a huge proponent of either (the correct footwear is very important, but that is a subject for a whole other blog) but rather because how they challenge us to evaluate...


In Italian art, contrapposto is a term to describe a human figure that is typically standing on one leg with their upper body twisting off axis in another direction. The pose can give the figure a dynamic or a more relaxed appearance. Contrapposto can be used to...

Recovery from Downhill Running

Running a downhill race can create a tremendous amount of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) due to the increased eccentric muscle contractions, especially in the quadriceps muscles. So what are some tips on how best to recover from these downhill efforts?  ...

The Importance of Proper Breathing

Learn about the importance of breathing from someone who really knows his stuff – Craig Depperschmidt. As one of our physical therapists certified in PRI, he has a background in proper breathing techniques and the effects they can have on your performance as well as the rest of your body mechanics.

  Rebound would like to congratulate one of our outstanding PTs on a huge accomplishment! Craig Depperschmidt has been selected to join Leadership Fort Collins for the upcoming year. Craig writes many of our blog posts and is an avid triathlete with a wonderfully...